How to do Keyword Research


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one aspect remains steadfast – the importance of keyword research. It serves as the compass guiding inbound marketers towards optimizing websites for search engine visibility. But what exactly is keyword research, and why is it crucial for your SEO strategy?

Understanding Keyword Research:

At its core, keyword research involves delving into the search terms people use in search engines. The objective is to glean invaluable data for specific purposes, primarily for search engine optimization (SEO) or broader marketing initiatives. This process uncovers queries to target, their popularity, ranking difficulty, and more.

The Significance of Keyword Research:

Keyword research offers a window into the actual search terms your target audience uses on Google. This insight is pivotal in shaping your content and broader marketing strategies. By positioning your content where your audience conducts their searches, you stand to capture a greater share of organic traffic.

Aligning Content with Audience Intent:

In the inbound methodology, it’s crucial to create content that resonates with what your audience seeks to discover. This is where keyword research takes the lead.

Benefits of Effective Keyword Research:

Marketing Trend Insight:

Gain valuable insights into prevailing marketing trends, steering your content towards relevant topics and keywords in demand.

Example: During the pandemic, we observed a surge in searches related to remote work tools and productivity tips. By leveraging this trend, businesses in the tech industry could create content addressing these needs, thereby attracting a wider audience.

Traffic Growth:

Targeting the most suitable keywords enhances your chances of ranking higher in search engine results, attracting more traffic to your website.

Example: A well-researched keyword strategy helped a startup increase its organic traffic by 150% in just six months. By targeting specific long-tail keywords related to their niche, they were able to capture a more engaged audience.

 Customer Acquisition:

Provide content that meets the needs of business professionals, guiding them through the buyer journey from awareness to purchase.

Example: By producing comprehensive guides on selecting the right software solutions, a SaaS company not only educates potential customers but also guides them towards their product offerings. This approach led to a significant increase in conversion rates.

Keywords vs. Topics:

While SEO has evolved over the last decade, keywords remain pertinent. They serve as indicators of topics that engage your audience. Keyword research bridges the gap between what people search for and the content you create.

Essential Elements of Keyword Research:


Google ranks content based on relevance. Content must meet searchers’ needs and offer exceptional value compared to other resources.

Example: If a user searches for “best budget smartphones,” they expect to find a comprehensive guide with detailed reviews and pricing information. Content that fulfils this need will be deemed relevant by search engines.


Google favours authoritative sources. Establish your site’s authority by producing informative content and acquiring backlinks.

Example: An in-depth industry analysis backed by data from reputable sources positions your content as authoritative. This not only helps in ranking but also builds trust with your audience.


Monthly search volume (MSV) indicates how often a keyword is searched. Ensure your chosen keywords have sufficient search volume to drive meaningful traffic.

Example: While targeting ultra-niche keywords can be beneficial for specialized industries, it’s essential to balance this with higher-volume keywords to ensure a steady stream of traffic.

Step-by-Step Guide to Keyword Research:

Step 1: Define Topic Buckets:

Begin by listing key topics central to your business. These form the foundation for your keyword research. Consider what your target audience would search to find your content.

For instance, a marketing software company like HubSpot might focus on topic buckets like inbound marketing, blogging, email marketing, lead generation, SEO, social media marketing, marketing analytics, and marketing automation.

Step 2: Populate Topic Buckets with Keywords:

Next, brainstorm specific keywords within each topic bucket. These phrases should align with what your target customers are likely to search for. Use tools and analytics to validate and refine your keyword choices.

For example, under the topic bucket ‘marketing automation,’ potential keywords could include ‘marketing automation tools,’ ‘how to use marketing automation software,’ and ‘top automation tools.’

Additional Tips:

  1. User-Generated Content (UGC):
    • Encourage your audience to generate content related to your niche. This can uncover valuable long-tail keywords and provide unique perspectives.

    Example: A fitness app could run a campaign where users share their favourite healthy recipes. The resulting content not only engages the community but also introduces new keywords related to healthy eating habits.

  2. Seasonal Keyword Adjustments:
    • Tailor your keyword strategy to align with seasonal trends or events. This ensures your content remains relevant and capitalizes on peak search periods.

    Example: A travel agency might adjust its keywords to focus on “summer getaways” during the warmer months and shift to “holiday travel deals” as the year-end approaches.

  3. Competitor Analysis:
    • Study the keywords that successful competitors are targeting. This can uncover hidden opportunities and provide insights into the keywords driving traffic to their sites.

    Example: A startup in the e-commerce space could analyze the keywords used by established competitors to identify gaps and areas for differentiation.

Remember, the art of keyword research is a dynamic one. Regularly revisit and refine your keyword strategy to ensure it stays aligned with the evolving needs and interests of your target audience.



Mastering keyword research is pivotal for any successful SEO strategy. By understanding the queries your audience uses, you can create content that resonates and drives organic traffic to your site. Remember, it’s a dynamic process that requires continual refinement to stay on top of evolving search trends. Happy researching!

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